Bobby Guthrie, Farm Brothers Flying Service
Just started using it this year, good stuff! I put it in every load of Gramoxone now, whether anything is close or not; 3oz/100 gallons. We use Control™ with any pesticide when there is a risk of damage due to drift.

Control’s™ performance improves the efficacy of the pesticide being applied by reducing drift and evaporation. Our company was bought out this year and our new company was already using Control™ and sent us some to try. We keep it in stock now. This year I used Control™ on wheat, rice, corn, cotton, soybeans and also for burn-down. Drift had been a problem in the past
Mark Hartz, Grand Prairie Dusters Inc.
Control™ is by far the best adjuvant I’ve ever used. With the consistency I get with Control™, I know exactly how close I can get to the buffer zone.
Perry Lowry, Lowry’s Flying Service
I’ve got a little history with Control™. When I flew for another operator in 2008, I used it. When I went out on my own, I used what the chemical companies sent me but this year I decided to get in touch with John. I’ve done my own experiment right next to my air strip, spraying with Gramoxone. One of my customers came by and said “where you stopped spraying, it was a straight line.” Hands down, I’ve never seen that before.

I use Control WM™ with Roundup™ on soybeans and corn. Some farmers really don’t want it in there. In their minds, it’s a drift retardant, and they don’t need it to spray herbicide. They’ve also fallen for the snake oil, seeing products that don’t work, but they haven’t seen the advantages to using Control™. I just feel more secure with Control™.
John Rogers, Farm Brothers Flying Service
Control™ helps me produce a much more even droplet spectrum. This results in fewer “fines” and we all know that they are what cause drift problems. Also, this makes for a more even pattern and much more of the product gets to the target which gives us better control of the pests. Field scouts tell us that we get better kills than other applicators a lot of times and I attribute that to using Control™ in almost every load that goes out. I have even used Control™ in my ground rigs and have seen great results. You can just see the spray “laying down” behind you and you know that all your product is where you want it to be!

I started using Control™ in 2009 and I will never be without it again! I use Control WM™ on rice, wheat, soybeans, cotton, corn and milo. We use it on every crop we spray. We never really had